Air Rage – Causes and Prevention
[audio:|titles=Air_Rage_-_Causes_and_Prevention]Air Rage – Causes and Prevention
Air rage is defined as ‘disruptive or unruly behavior exhibited by passengers and crew of an aircraft during a flight’. The reasons for this kind of behavior have often been assigned to excessive alcohol consumption, crowded or long flights that agitate passengers, problems with crew members or other psychological problems. Air rage can create an environment of tension in the air putting both the crew members and the passengers at risk.
According to aviation expert, Diana Fairechild recycled air on planes aids in spreading infections like flu and tuberculosis and minimal oxygen in the cabin can also lead to a higher level of temper tantrums and boisterous behavior among kids. There have been many reports of air rage resulting in unscheduled landings, jail time and penalties for passengers, career changes for flight attendants and even death of a passenger.
Some hypothesize that the lack of oxygen is a major cause of air rage. This theory is also supported by the environmental physician, Vincent Mark, MD and Dr. Ross Lee Graham from the University of Linkoeping, Sweden. Even though air rage seems to be a part of flying, there are specific actions that airlines can take to pacify passengers and minimize air rage. Make sure that the passengers are updated about flight schedules periodically. Knowing the schedules can also help in making the passengers more comfortable. Ensuring that seat numbers are assigned and that the seating is done in a scheduled and orderly manner can help in avoiding long lines with hand baggage in hand and fights for window or aisle seats. Communication is the key here. Make sure that you have adequate security for passengers in waiting rooms and explain to them that their check in baggage is safe. Passengers can also do their bit to avoid air rage. Carry a blanket, pillow and toys for the child to ensure comfort. Talking to other passengers and sharing your discomfort has also known to prevent problems from escalating. There are workshops that are organized for flight attendants and crews that teach them effective techniques for managing unruly passengers and diffusing the tense situation. Interesting article Questions:1) What does boisterous behavior mean? a) Behavior due to lack of oxygen b) Behavior due to a mental disorder c) Aggressive and unruly behavior d) Normal behavior
2) What are the main triggers that add to unruly behavior of passengers? a) Psychological problems b) Excessive alcohol consumption c) Problem with crew members d) All of the above
3) What can air rage result in? a) Disruption in flight schedule and penalty for passengers b) Change in seating c) Cleaning of aircrafts d) Search of baggage
4) Is there a theory that explains air rage? a) Yes it is due air sickness b) No, it is not associated with any particular reason c) Yes, it is attributed to low oxygen level in the cabin d) Yes, it can only be triggered by a medical condition
5) Which one among the following four options is the best way to deal with air rage? a) Nothing can be done about it, it can happen any time b) Airlines can take measure to make passengers more comfortable c) Crew can be taught ways to deal with aggressive passengers d) Having security guards inside the aircraft e) B&C f) D only Answers 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) E Another problem that may occur is the Jet Lag, click here and know a little more about it!
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