Parts inside the Aircraft
[audio:|titles=Fire]TOPIC: Fires
GOAL: To learn Aviation English vocabulary related to the dangers of aircraft fires and their causes.
Exercise #1: Read about aircraft fires, and then proceed to Exercise #2
Perhaps few things are as scary as an aircraft fire. They are serious business because, unlike an automobile, pilots don't have the luxury of stopping their aircraft in flight to solve the problem. Reacting quickly and correctly is essential to effectively deal with the emergency. When a fire erupts, you may have little time to consult the emergency checklist, and if you're confused or uncertain about the procedures, your reactions may be slow and inappropriate.
There have been several well-known cases of aircraft fires, including a UPS DC-8 that burned-up after it landed at the Philadelphia International Airport in 2006. Another classic scenario occurred during the tragic accident of ValueJet Flight 592 which crashed into the Florida Everglades after an in-flight fire developed shortly after departure.
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