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Low Cost vs. Conventional Airlines

[audio:|titles=Low cost v Conventional Airlines]Low Cost vs. Conventional Airlines

Level: Easy

Read the text about conventional and low-cost carriers and match the words in the left column with the words in the right column:

    1. Low-cost carriers seem to be seriously involved in the new trend in the US airline industry’s domestic market. Both, smaller no-frills carriers (e.g. Allegiant, Frontier and Virgin America) and bigger budget airlines (e.g. JetBlue and Southwest), have grown rapidly over the last decade and are now known to be controlling 30% of the domestic travel market as compared to legacy carriers. As more Americans are changing their habits and choosing discount airlines for domestic flights, conventional airlines are cutting flights, shrinking hubs and even abandoning some destinations. The recent economic downturn has only contributed to this reshuffling, taking a toll on traditional airlines.
    2. While low fairs are obviously appealing, they are no longer a major selling point. What does seem to attract passengers is the major shift in how air travel is perceived. Value is given to non-complex operations and a more positive attitude.

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Present Perfect Tense

July 29, 2015 Grammar, Videos 1 Comment
[audio:|titles=Present Perfect Tense]


  • Practice English skills in an aviation context
  • Revise present perfect / present perfect continuous tense
  • Have fun!
Dear Reiko,
I have just arrived in Tokyo and have tried to call you. Have you changed your phone number?
I’ve decided to spend the morning shopping in Harajuku in case you call, or I bump into you. You haven’t moved from Harajuku, have you? I know that you have left your office job and have started working at a Harajuku cafe. I wish I had not forgotten to ask you which one! The thought popped into my head that l’ll have to visit every cafe until I find you!
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  • Practice English skills in an aviation context
  • Learn some packing tips and some new vocabulary
  • Have fun!
Tip! If possible, read through the entire lesson out loud

When the cabin crew come striding through the airport, immaculately uniformed and groomed, you can be sure that none of them are carting luggage that’s bulging to the point of zips breaking, or a carry-on with a pair of shoes tied on to the outside!

And you just know that when they get to their destination they’re not going to be changing into crumpled clothing, or turning the contents of their bags out onto the hotel room floor in search of a pair of socks.

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The Good Old B52: America’s Veteran Bomber

[audio:|titles=The good old B52 Bomber]The Good Old B52: America’s Veteran Bomber

Despite more sophisticated aircrafts, the B52 jet powered strategic bomber has been in active service since 1955. While much of it is attributed to the USAF teams that have maintained the aircraft, the main reason has been superior performance at sub supersonic speeds and relatively low operating costs. The B52 is slated to be in active service until 2040, 85 years since its commissioning.

Even before the production of B-36 started, the requirement for a bomber with a larger operational radius and greater speed was issued. The B52 was primarily meant for deterrent missions during the cold war era and designed as a high-level nuclear bomber that could take on the Soviet Union. That however became difficult with the arrival of SAM missiles. That was when B52 took on the role of a low-level bomber.

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Why it’s great to be a pilot

[audio:|titles=Why it’s great to be a pilot]TOPIC: Why it’s great to be a pilot


GOAL: To learn what are the benefits and rewards of being a pilot



Exercise #1: Read about why it’s great being a pilot and then proceed to Exercise #2

You can always spot a pilot…even when he/she is not on the airport property. It’s something about the way they carry themselves and they way they react to everything that has to do with flying. They are the ones that don’t complain about “airplane noise” and actually prefer to live close to an airport. Whenever an airplane flies overhead, all pilots will look up and try to identify the kind of aircraft…guaranteed. This I what truly makes aviators a breed apart from the rest of the population.

The ability to travel in a three-dimensional environment so totally different from our ground perspective is the main draw. Pilots enjoy the best view that any office building would never even come close to. The aviator works in another world and enjoys seeing our world from a completely different perspective. In this world, we have the opportunity to enjoy the planet in an environment that is mostly free from the signs of human interference.  There is something about flying through the clouds that detaches you from everything that is happening on the ground.

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In-flight medical problems and emergencies

October 14, 2014 Blog No Comments

In-flight medical problems and emergencies


  • Practice English skills in an aviation context
  • Become familiar with relevant medical terminology
  • Have fun!

“Is there a doctor onboard?!” It’s a familiar scene from movies – Hollywood loves a medical emergency. So does the media. A woman giving birth on a plane, for example, is a great news story – and it happens.

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Green Airlines (Environmentally friendly Airlines)

[audio:|titles=Green Airlines (Environmentally Friendly Airlines)]TOPIC: “GREEN” ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AIRLINES

Type of lesson: Reading Comprehension

Level: Easy

I. Read the small paragraph about aviation industry giants operating in environmentally responsible ways and pick out words in bold that have the same meaning as the following:


  1. a. forward-thinking
  2. b. recycling policies
  3. c. sustainable aircraft
  4. d. environmentally conscious
  5. e. emissions trading
  6. f. a global economic downturn
  7. g. zero-emission
  8. h. recycling program

It seems as though the recent bad economics of the airline business and the economic recession have contributed to more 2.environmentally responsible behavior and have caused some industry associations, airports and major airlines to be more and concerned about going green both, in the air and on the ground.

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TOPIC: Meteorology


GOAL: To learn about aviation meteorology and its role in aviation safety


Exercise #1: Read about aviation meteorology and then proceed to Exercise #2

Meteorology is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and short term forecasting (in contrast with climatology). Aviation meteorology (MET) deals with the impact of weather on Air Traffic Management (ATM). It is important for air crews to understand the implications of weather on their flight plan as well as their aircraft.

Weather conditions concern all aspects of ATM operations, for example, by variations in head and tail-wind components, through changes in pressure and temperature values at airports, and in imposing low visibility operating conditions. Adverse meteorological conditions have the greatest impact on the ATM system creating disruption and the consequent problems of disturbed flow rates, lost capacity and induced additional costs

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