Why it’s great to be a pilot
[audio:https://aviationenglishblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/11greattobeapilot.mp3|titles=Why it’s great to be a pilot]TOPIC: Why it’s great to be a pilot
GOAL: To learn what are the benefits and rewards of being a pilot
Exercise #1: Read about why it’s great being a pilot and then proceed to Exercise #2
You can always spot a pilot…even when he/she is not on the airport property. It’s something about the way they carry themselves and they way they react to everything that has to do with flying. They are the ones that don’t complain about “airplane noise” and actually prefer to live close to an airport. Whenever an airplane flies overhead, all pilots will look up and try to identify the kind of aircraft…guaranteed. This I what truly makes aviators a breed apart from the rest of the population.
The ability to travel in a three-dimensional environment so totally different from our ground perspective is the main draw. Pilots enjoy the best view that any office building would never even come close to. The aviator works in another world and enjoys seeing our world from a completely different perspective. In this world, we have the opportunity to enjoy the planet in an environment that is mostly free from the signs of human interference. There is something about flying through the clouds that detaches you from everything that is happening on the ground.
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